

英漢字典: run into the ground

run into the ground   (TTS發音)

1. do or use sth. more than is wanted or needed把(某事)做過頭;做得過分;用得太多

    Caution is necessary in doing any work,but it's not advisable to run it into the ground. 做任何事情謹慎是必要的,但過分謹慎也是不可取的。

    It's all right to borrow my dictionary once in a while,but don't run it into the ground. 偶爾借用我的詞典可以,但總來借就不好了。

2. win over or defeat sb. completely 徹底打敗(某人)

    I lost the game today,but tomorrow I'll run you into the ground. 這次我輸了,可明天我一定要打敗你。

3. manage badly till the result is a complete failure 經營不善以致于一敗塗地

    He has run his business into the ground. 他因經營不善,以致生意一敗塗地。

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